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Clear skies. Low 61F. Winds light and variable..
Clear skies. Low 61F. Winds light and variable.
Scores from Henry County restaurant inspections conducted by the Henry County Health Department for the week of Sept. 8-14 (maximum score: 100; scores available online at
• Knott’s Landing food truck, 302 W. Wood St., Paris (mobile unit) — Sept. 9. Score: 83. Critical violations: Person in charge not present, demonstrating knowledge or performing duties (person in charge did not demonstrate active managerial control, education provided during inspection); food not properly separated and protected (raw fish stored over ready-to-eat barbecue in black refrigerator, rearranged during inspection); improper cold holding temperatures (bologna, fish and barbecue in black refrigerator at 51 degrees, these items had been held overnight in cold holding units located at commissary and were removed that morning at 9:30 a.m. per person in charge, advised person in charge that any of this food not served by 1:30 p.m. would have to be discarded, fish was placed on ice and barbecue and bologna moved to freezer until served or discarded); improper date marking and disposition (barbecue and bologna in black refrigerator dated more than seven days earlier, person in charge stated the dates on these items were prepped and frozen dates, advised person in charge that pull dates need to be added to these items in the future). A follow-up inspection was completed Sept. 14, with critical violations corrected and score adjusted to 97.
• Perry’s BBQ Flamin’ Red Hot, 1055 Mineral Wells Ave., Paris (mobile unit) — Sept. 10. Score: 95. Critical violation: Food not received at proper temperature (barbecued bologna at 130 degrees and slaw — mayo and vinegar — brought from main store at 50 degrees, had employees to ice slaw down and put bologna onto heat).
• HandHeld Food Truck, 124 Dogwood Hills Drive, Paris (mobile unit) — Sept. 10. Score: 83. Critical violations: Food not properly separated and protected (raw beef stored over ready-to-eat chicken in reach-in cooler, relocated); improper cold holding temperatures (fish, 47 degrees, beef, 47 degrees, chicken, 47 degrees, in reach in cooler, person in charge turned it down). A follow-up inspection was completed Sept. 12, with critical violations corrected and score adjusted to 94.
• Hardee’s, 1005 Mineral Wells Ave., Paris — Sept. 12. Score: 97. This was a follow-up inspection, with critical violations corrected from Sept. 1.
• AMVETS Post 45, 14365 Hwy. 79 northeast of Paris — Sept. 13. Score: 99.
• American Legion Post 89, 4326 E. Antioch Road, Springville — Sept. 13. Score: 98.
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